Acupuncture is a healing system based on traditional Chinese medicine. It is well known for treating pain, but it is also great for treating sleep problems, stress and anxiety.
Acupuncture – How does it work?
Very fine needles are inserted in specific points of the body, called Meridian points. This will help regulate the energy or “Qi” and relieve pain or discomfort. It is a very safe treatment and its benefits are widely recognised.
During the first consultation, details are taken of your medical history, medication, emotional state, eating habits, sleep patterns and stresses in your life in order to assess health problems.
Assessment may also include observing your complexion, tongue and pulse to decide the most appropriate treatment.
Acupuncture can be used to help improve several conditions including:
Acne ● Anxiety ● Arthritis ● Asthma ● Colitis ● Crohn’s Disease ● Cystitis ● Depression ● Eczema ● Fears ●Fertility ● Frequent Colds ● Frozen Shoulder ● Hay Fever ● Headaches ● High Blood Pressure ● IBS ●Insomnia ● Joint Pain ● Lupus ● ME ● Migraines ● MS ● Mood Swings ● PMT ● Poor Concentration ● Psoriasis ●Rosacea ● Sciatica ● Sinusitis ● Sports Injuries ● Stress ● Tennis Elbow ● Tiredness ● Weight Gain